
Our extruders are manufactured according to the world standard. The faultless operation of our extruders in various parts of the world and in our country is an indication and guarantee of our quality. Screws and barrels are manufactured from DIN 34 CrAlNi 1.8550 tool steel and hardened by gas nitriding. Thanks to the ceramic resistances used, significant energy savings are achieved. Our standard line of use is the ABB brand square type AC motor and ABB drive to ensure high speed accuracy. The gear unit lubrication is performed automatically.

Extruder( PE / PP )

Tip / Type Ø L/D Güç / Power Devir / RPM Kapasite
Capacity PE
Capacity PP
mm kW kg/h kg/h
KNX-EX-30/25D 30 25 3 50 3 2
KNX-EX-35/40D 35 40 22 180 75 55
KNX-EX-45/33D 45 33 33 180 120 100
KNX-EX-60/33D 60 33 62 180 200 175
KNX-EX-65/37D 65 37 92 180 350 300
KNX-EX-75/37D 75 37 125 180 600 450
KNX-EX-90/36D 90 36 200 150 800 650
KNX-EX-120/33D 120 33 300 120 1250 950

Extruder( PVC )

Tip / Type Ø L/D Kapasite
Capacity PE
mm kg/h kg/h
KNX-EX-68/25D 68 25 200 Paralel / Parallel
KNX-EX-75/28D 75 28 300 Paralel / Parallel
KNX-EX-92/28D 92 28 600 Paralel / Parallel
KNX-EX-107/28D 107 28 700 Paralel / Parallel
KNX-EX-65/132 65 - 250 Konik / Conical
KNX-EX-80/156 80 - 500 Konik / Conical
KNX-EX-92/188 92 - 750 Konik / Conical